Tuesday, June 12, 2012

CSA Pickup # 3: I'm learning!

Hmm so last week I picked up our veggies at the farm and packaged them nicely in the fridge, and abandoned them for the weekend while we went camping!  So, what's still in the fridge from the prior week? Bok choi (not my favorite veggie so far), lettuce (been using it in salads and lettuce wraps--see picture in upper left), and I think I might have some spinach left. I ate all the mustard greens (thank God I could cook them down), Hakurei turnips (once I figured out how to make them mashed), kale, and the cauliflower was finished. 
What's new from this past Friday, June 7th?  See below! We got: Lettuce mix, Hakurei turnips, peas, broccoli, braising mix, collard greens, cauliflower, and bok choi. However, I still had a lot of bok choi leftover so I put that in the swap box and took a little bit broccoli instead. 

My kale from last week was looking unfortunate so I made baked kale chips this morning and brought them to work as a snack. In the morning, I overheard one of the supervisors on the phone say "For some reason, the office smells like cabbage today." Oops. I had to come clean. My coworkers all thought it smelled not-so-good, like cabbage. In fact, it really bothered them. One of my coworkers thought my kale chips looked like dead leaves. One of the coworkers tried one and thought they tasted pretty gross. And I must admit, I ended up shoveling them down to just get rid of them...and I almost gagged at the end. Kale chips, didn't go so well this time. But no kale was wasted! 


  1. This made me laugh! Sorry to hear about your failed attempt at kale chips, hey at least you tried! lol

  2. Hahaha this is actually pretty hilarious. I honestly think I've been cooking them too long and basically burning them to a crisp. They taste pretty yucky..I think since i have a mini-oven, the heat is more concentrated, so maybe I'll cut down on the cooking time!! :)

  3. im impressed that you made them! this is a funny story :)
