Well, we had our second CSA pickup last Friday. This week we got some bok choi, mustard greens, turnips, kale, cauliflower, spinach and lettuce heads! Oh and the farm we get it from sometimes allows you to go into the field and pick some herbs for yourself, so of course I went out there with some shears and picked a stem of oregano, stem of rosemary, and two chive stems. Why not?!
There's my picture of our goodies in the upper left. I laid them out in my backseat and took the picture, haha, before dropping them off at Matt's house since I was going away that night. Matt used some of the spinach and cauliflower in a stir fry dish he made that night.
Saturday evening I was back, and went to Matt's house. I asked him where the veggies were as I didn't notice them in the fridge. He indicated they were in the corner in a bag...he said he didn't think they had to be refrigerated...
So, we had a little issue with our veggies this week. Unfortunately, they sat out a bit and got a little limp from not being refrigerated. Live and learn...!

Anyways, so I did a lot of recipe searching and tried some new recipes this week!
Monday night, I started off with a recipe for kale chips--
http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/kale-chips-recipe.htm. These came out good! When I had some leftover, I put them in a tupperware...snacked on them the next day...not so delicious. Note to self: Need to find out how to "store" fresh kale chips, if possible.
Then I moved on to cooking some of our Hakurei turnips and the mustard greens, with some chicken. I had never cooked mustard greens or turnips before in my life! I sauteed the mustard greens in olive oil, thinly sliced onions, garlic, and some salt and pepper. Then I used this recipe:
http://hamlethub.com/westport-life/cat/home-and-garden/13634-easton-farm-to-easton-table-hakurei-turnips-and-greens for the hakurei turnips and their greens. I simply sauteed the chicken with some olive oil, garlic, and threw in the rosemary and oregano.
Verdict for dinner? Eh. I spent so much time prepping and chopping and washing and following directions, and I wasn't that crazy about the bitter taste of the mustard greens or the taste of the turnips...and my chicken was okay, but not the best. But..I tried!
Tuesday was better. For lunch, I made some roasted cauliflower, sauteed mushrooms, and a Caesar salad. I found a very easy recipe for the Roasted Garlic Cauliflower here:
http://allrecipes.com/recipe/roasted-garlic-cauliflower/ and it came out delicious! I finished a head of romaine lettuce I had and made it into an easy Caesar salad (also yummy) and used Lauren's recipe of some butter and balsamic vinegar to saute the mushrooms. (Lauren, I forget if you use butter or olive oil..but I find either one works with the balsamic!) Plus, I finished the cauliflower, so that was good! :) Successful vegetarian lunch.

Finally, Tuesday night I made dinner (see pathetic picture to left). Matt suggested I try mashed turnips, which might taste better. I was determined to like the turnips! I used this:
http://straightfromthefarm.net/2007/11/08/turnip-roasted-garlic-mash/ as direction! It was pretty easy to make mashed turnips. I roasted the garlic in the oven and squirted it into my mashed turnips as directed. Simultaneously, I used this recipe for Bok Choi:
http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-bok-choy/. Do you see a pattern? I LOVE simple recipes with few ingredients--I'm a working woman! Anyways, I sauteed the Bok Choi (also my first time ever cooking/eating this) with canola oil (I didn't have veggie oil), garlic, and some salt. So, yes, I had a light/random dinner of Bok Choy and mashed turnips. Yes, I ate the turnips directly out of the processor to not dirty another plate :) But I was eating at 8pm so what did I care? Verdict: Bok choy..not crazy about (especially the stems, I think I didn't cook them long enough) and mashed turnips--yum! Add some butter, salt, and pepper and they're good! Now, next time with turnips, I will go directly to mashing them.
So, overall, I'm a bit overwhelmed with vegetables this week. We had some leftover from last week, and some of the Hon Tsai Tai ended up being tossed as neither Matt nor I really liked it, and then it got yucky. I heard the turnip greens were edible, but after trying them Monday night, the remainder got tossed after I made the mashed turnips Tuesday night...you have to remember we had the little refrigeration "issue" this week, so some stuff was unfortunately not at it's peak. Also, Matt is away this week so I am left with all these veggies on my own!! It's a lot of vegetables for one person, in my opinion. But I'm trying my best not to waste and to enjoy the food! I think that's it for now...Oh and one final thought...I am very aware that if I had children/greater responsibilities, there's no way I'd have the time to dilly dally with a million recipes and all...well, I guess maybe some mothers can, but anyways, I enjoy trying new foods and when I have time, I enjoy trying new recipes, so this is all pretty fun for me...I'm not sure if anyone really cares to read what I'm doing with vegetables, but if so, enjoy the blog! :)